Monday, August 31, 2015

DRM External Authentication timeout after upgrade

After upgrading DRM, Users are able to login using internal id and password but external authentication times out then check the following.

  1. On the DRM Server make sure you have setup CSS.
  2. Make sure the you can see the name of the foundation server in the configuration consol.
  3. Make sure you can see a process called drm-netjnibridge-host.exe

If everything looks fine but you don't see drm-netjnibridge-host.exe then chances are DRM version on the DRM server and Foundation Server are on different versions. Upgrade DRM instance on the Foundation Server and restart the services on both the systems. Foundation Server first then DRM Server.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Using two seperate schemas for DRM to enhance security.

We know DRM uses a schema for its repository and schema owner has more privileges (table,procedure,trigger etc ). so a hacker can take advantage of this situation to gain access to the information stored in DRM.

One way to resolve this would be to create another schema (drm_user) and grant this user select,insert,update,delete,create index privileges on drm_owner schema and use this drm_user schema in the configuration.

Issue: one issue in this approach is to tell drm to use drm_owner.<object name> name format to access the database objects and there is no way to do it in DRM.


Luckily oracle has a on-logon trigger where we can set the current_Session to DRM_OWNER.

How to do?

1. Create a schema (DRM_USER).
2. Grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,Create Index for DRM_USER on DRM_OWNER.
3. Login to DRM_USER Schema
4. Create a trigger. check the trigger code below

create or replace trigger drm_user.after_logon_trig

5.Open DRM Configuration Console
6. Change the repository database to DRM_USER schema.
7. Restart the application.
8. Test