Wednesday, May 21, 2014

4mb file size limit for DRM Imports

There is a 4mb limit on import file by DRM. This limit is only if the file is located on a client machine and not on the server.  so to address this limitation we have two choices

1. put the file on the server and using external connection use it in the import profile.
2. If you have DRM then you can import from a database table or view. In the import profile select the database in source and set the tables/views information.

Note: You'll need one table/view per section. i.e. one for version, hierarchy,node,relation and hierarchy node.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Exporting Sequence Number from DRM

In DRM Version there is a special category called Export Specific Category. This category is only visible in Export. This category has some auto generated properties that can come handy in special situations.

One such situation would be to send a auto-generated sequence number from an export. in order to do this

1. Create an export.
2. in the Column tab, select the Export Specific category and select the [Record ID] property.
3. set the filters/target and run the export.

Output from export should now have a auto-generated sequence numbers.

There are some other properties in the category too that i found in (not sure if these are available in ) 

1. Calculated Level  {0} -> Exports Level Numbers of the node starting with '0'. i.e. Top Node will be Level 0.
2. Calculated Level {1} -> Same as above but starts with '1'. i.e. Top Node will be Level 1.
3. Calculated Parent -> Automatically finds the parent node.

Give it a shot.